Family Law

Family Law

Our practice areas within the scope of family law divorce, alimony, division of property, custody, denial/determination of paternity, adoption, issuance of marriage contract, annotation of family residence, return of jewelry, personal belongings, change of property regime, separation, paternity, material and moral compensation, establishment of personal relationship with the child, The following are the requests and cases within the scope of the Law No. 6284 on the Protection of the Family and Prevention of Violence against Women, the recognition and enforcement of international divorce decrees, and the requests and cases under the Law No. 6284 on the Protection of the Family and Prevention of Violence against Women. 

Family Law: Basic Rights and Obligations

Family law is a branch of law that regulates family relations between individuals and aims to protect the family institution, which is the cornerstone of the social structure. As KAŞIKARA Law, we provide comprehensive and qualified legal services in the field of family law. Together with our expert team, we work meticulously to protect our clients' rights and obligations within the family.

Divorce Cases

Divorce means the dissolution of a marriage and this process can be both legally and emotionally challenging for the parties. We provide legal counseling to protect the rights and interests of our clients in divorce cases.

Uncontested Divorce: It is a type of divorce that takes place as a result of mutual agreement of the parties. In uncontested divorce cases, we provide services regarding the provision of all necessary documents, preparation of the agreement protocol and approval by the court in order for the parties to complete the legal processes quickly and smoothly. According to paragraph 3 of Article 166 of the Turkish Civil Code, if the marriage union has lasted for at least one year and the parties want to divorce by agreement, the court approves this agreement.

Contested Divorce: It takes place when there is no agreement between the parties. In contested divorce cases, we create a comprehensive legal strategy to defend the rights of our clients. In this process, in line with the relevant provisions of the Turkish Civil Code, a divorce can be requested for reasons such as the fundamental breakdown of the marriage union and the continuation of the marriage union cannot be expected.

Custody and Alimony

Child custody is one of the most sensitive issues in divorce cases. Our main goal is to prioritize the safety, mental health, basic needs and welfare of the child in custody cases by observing the principle of the best interest of the child.

Custody: Custody is the right to make decisions regarding the care and education of the child. Pursuant to Article 336 of the Turkish Civil Code, in the event of divorce, custody is awarded to the mother or father. Considering the best interests of the child, we try to provide the most appropriate solutions in custody cases in the best interests of the child.

Alimony: During the divorce process, we also provide counseling and representation services to our clients regarding spousal and child alimony. Pursuant to Articles 175 et seq. of the Turkish Civil Code, we aim to establish a fair judgment in favor of our clients by taking into account the financial situation and needs of the parties in determining the amount of alimony.

Property Regime and Property Division

The division of property acquired during the marriage is an important subject of dispute during the divorce process.

Property Regime: In line with Articles 202 and following of the Turkish Civil Code, we provide legal counseling on the regimes of participation in acquired property, separation of property, separation of property with sharing and partnership of property.

Property Division: In order to protect the rights of our clients in property regime cases, we conduct a detailed analysis and draw an appropriate roadmap for the process. Accordingly, we carry out the necessary legal proceedings to protect the rights of our clients in a fair manner.

Domestic Violence and Protection Orders

As domestic violence is a very serious and widespread problem in today's society, it is of great importance to protect victims of violence and defend their rights.

Protection Orders: We provide legal support for victims of domestic violence to obtain protection orders under Law No. 6284 on the Protection of the Family and Prevention of Violence against Women. This law envisages the protection of victims of violence and the rapid and effective initiation of the necessary legal processes.

Adoption / Foster Care Applications

Adoption and fostering is an important and sensitive process for both applicant families and adopted children.

Adoption Process: We provide consultancy services on adoption applications, process management and related legal procedures in line with Articles 305 and following of the Turkish Civil Code. We meticulously carry out all the necessary legal procedures to ensure that this process proceeds smoothly and in accordance with the law.


Please contact us for detailed information on family law cases and to apply for our expertise.